Self-Management: A Critical Skill for Mom Business Owners

As a mom business owner, you are a leader in your own right. Your team, whether it's employees, contractors, or your family, looks to you to understand how to react during uncertain times.

In moments like these, you can't afford to let your emotions run the show. The slightest shift in your body language or in the tone of your voice can send a clear message to your team. You need to be in control, acting from a place of intention and awareness, and projecting that calm confidence to your team.

There are a whole host of personal and business reasons to show up as a self-managed leader, but it's a lot easier said than done. So how can you prepare yourself for these moments? How can you practice staying in control during difficult situations? It's all about building the skill of self-management.

Self-management is your ability to use awareness of your emotions to stay flexible and direct your behavior positively. The key word here is awareness. Self-management requires putting in the time to understand your emotions so you can choose how to respond to them rather than letting them run the show.

How do we become more self-aware as leaders?

First, start with the basics...

Take a deep breath.

Notice your breath right now. Is it shallow? Shallow breathing can deprive your brain of necessary oxygen and lead to poor concentration, forgetfulness, mood swings, restlessness, depressed or anxious thoughts, and a lack of energy. Taking a deep breath can help you get more oxygen to your brain, and it can help you feel more grounded and focused.

Count to ten.

Before making any decisions in a stressful situation, take ten slow, deep breaths. This allows your brain time to cool down and process before you take any action. It can also help you take a step back and reevaluate the situation before you react.

Smile and laugh more.

Try to remember that not everything has to be serious! Laughter is good medicine, and it can help us remember what's most important in life. You don't have to treat every single problem as a crisis. When you approach things from a place of joy, things will feel easier to handle. And it will bring a bit of levity to your team as well!

Give it a beat.

Giving yourself an extra day, week, or even month to mull over a problem will keep you from acting from a place of emotion. When you have time to digest, you'll be able to find clarity and perspective.

Get a good night's sleep.

When we don't get enough sleep, we start losing our ability to stay alert, to be patient, and to remain flexible. Sleep is fundamental for your health and mood, so make sure you're practicing good sleep habits!

Make sure you have a support system

  • Though it may be called “self” management, we’re never truly alone in leadership (even if it sometimes feels that way). Learning how to ask for help is a fundamental part of being a leader. Seek out someone you admire or a mentor who is skilled at self-management and ask for their advice. 

  • If you’re untangling a particularly difficult problem, speak to someone who isn’t emotionally invested in the situation. They can help point out your blind spots and keep you from staying “in the bubble” of your own thoughts and emotions. Make sure this person doesn’t just agree with you—choose someone who isn’t afraid to challenge you. 

  • Treat everyone you encounter as someone capable of teaching you a valuable lesson. This will keep you feeling flexible, open-minded, and less stressed. Even if someone is challenging you or testing your patience, it’s a lot harder to get angry or defensive when you’re approaching the conversation through a lens of trying to learn something from the other party. 

Help your brain stay on task

Our lives revolve around decision making within our businesses and with our families. There are so many factors to consider, and it can be difficult to keep your emotions in check while you're trying to make the right choices for your business. Here are five tips to help you stay on track and make confident decisions.

Create an Emotion vs. Reason List

It’s essential to recognize the difference between your emotions and your rational thinking. Writing a list of your thoughts in each category can help you untangle your feelings and make informed decisions. While emotions can cloud your judgment, ignoring them altogether can mean missing essential cues from your emotional brain. Therefore, it's crucial to balance both.

Set Aside Time for Problem Solving

Taking time to clear your head and think without distractions can be hugely beneficial. Blocking out just 15 minutes a day to focus on problem-solving can help ground you and ensure your decisions come from a logical, not emotional, place. Also, make sure to build in a few minutes of brain breaks every hour to get up, stretch, or chat with a loved one. It can help to keep your mind fresh and focused.

Take Control of Your Self-Talk

As a mom business owner, you are a leader, and it's vital to keep a positive mindset. It's easy to get bogged down by self-doubt or negative thoughts, but it's essential to take control of your self-talk. Instead of belittling yourself, practice visualizing success. Imagine your business thriving, your employees happy and motivated, your customers satisfied with your products or services and your family thriving! This kind of positive self-talk can help you stay motivated and focused on your goals.

Focus on Your Freedoms, Not Your Limitations

It's easy to focus on what's holding you back or what seems impossible to achieve, but that mindset can create roadblocks for your business. Instead, focus on what you can do and the freedom you have to make changes that will benefit your business. Look for opportunities and solutions that can help your business grow and succeed.

Accept Change

As a mom business owner, you know that change is inevitable. Embracing that truth can help you stay open-minded and adaptable. When changes happen, you can either get frustrated or use them as opportunities for growth. By embracing change and inspiring your team to do the same, you can keep your business moving forward. Remember, change is just around the corner, and breakthroughs are possible.

It can be easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks and challenges of running a business. But by implementing these tips, you can learn to make decisions that are grounded in reason and not clouded by emotions.

However, if you find that you still struggle with these concepts or need additional support, consider enrolling in a coaching program tailored specifically for entrepreneurial moms.

With the guidance and expertise of a coach, you can learn to effectively navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship, make clear-headed decisions, and achieve your business goals. So don't hesitate to take advantage of this invaluable resource and take your business to the next level.

Click the button below to see how business coaching can help you.

Hi, I’m Jenna (and this is Adley),

I believe that being a mom and a business owner shouldn't be a trade-off, and with my Baby on Board Business Coaching Program, you can have the best of both worlds. I'm here to help you grow your business and achieve your goals, all while balancing the needs of your family.


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